As part of the project Social Learning or Empathy Learning supported and funded by the Erasmus+ KA2 program of the European Union, from 8 -15 October 2019 in Panevesus, Lithuania, representatives of the Association for Development and Digitization of Education and Cultural Heritage FRIENDS OF EDUCATION “: Bojan Vasilev, Elena Apostoloska, Vesela Bogdanovic and Marina Dzeparoska Tanasoska, as well as Anita Sterjoska-Mitreska, PhD, professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy St.” Kliment Ohridski “- Skopje, attended a working visit to the ambassador schools: Velzys gymnasium.
As part of the project Social Learning or Empathy Learning supported and funded by the Erasmus+ KA2 program of the European Union, from 8 -15 October 2019 in Panevesus, Lithuania, representatives of the Association for Development and Digitization of Education and Cultural Heritage FRIENDS OF EDUCATION “: Bojan Vasilev, Elena Apostoloska, Vesela Bogdanovic and Marina Dzeparoska Tanasoska, as well as Anita Sterjoska-Mitreska, PhD, professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy St.” Kliment Ohridski “- Skopje, attended a working visit to the ambassador schools: Velzys gymnasium.